Toni Dicks




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About Toni

wellbeing consultant + entrepreneur

Toni Dicks has spent 10 years developing her career in wellness as part of her personal journey to find balance, joy, and fulfillment.

Constantly learning, exploring, and researching, Toni has turned her personal passion into a portfolio of complementary businesses, each naturally informing and supporting the growth of the other.

Working with the intention of creating profound shifts, Toni's businesses focus on providing inspiration through knowledge, positive change, and harmony using simple solutions, that show what it takes to get the desired outcome.

In true integrity, some of these tools have an exchange in value, and others are shared projects for all to enjoy without the need for a transaction, allowing for everyone to have access to a personal journey of transformation.

Toni takes pride in working at the forefront of wellbeing, supported by a wonderful team of like-minded, forward-thinking, soul mates - creating a powerful business family of friends that are motivated by helping humanity thrive.

To find out more, visit Toni’s portfolio.


“My businesses have developed organically through word of mouth - from my clients who I cherish, and my soul family who inspire me daily”

- Toni dicks, wellness consultant + entrepreneur
